Thursday, August 4, 2011


On a hot summer day, you want a refreshing drink like mango smoothie.....uhh..right?

Problem number 1: Very green, very under-ripe mangoes

 Notice how very green the mangoes are...;)

We took a quick run to a local store for fresh (ripe) mangoes; however, they were unfortunately all out. We did manage to pick up some fresh limes though!

Blending up mangoes can be tough work!
 Yum... :/

 The Reviews:

"It tastes...vegetable-y.." ~Gabe
"I liked it better before the apple juice concentrate." ~Jay
"The texture...." ~Ellie's Mom

Rachel's Recipe Review: WOW. This was one interesting smoothie. I think our main problem was that the mango we used wasn't ripe. That, my friends, was my fault.....oooops. Because the mango tasted more like a vegetable... the smoothie itself wasn't very sweet, so we added some sugar, which helped....but we still didn't think it was quite right, soooo... we added a little apple juice concentrate, which added lots of flavor, but somewhat overpowered the ginger. As you can see, we tried to fix this recipe several times....but it didn't really work. Personally, I'd like to forget about this recipe attempt...

Ellie's Recipe Ramblings: Hmm....This definitely wasn't one of my proudest smoothie-moments....It was....quite...interesting... As was already stated, our biggest problem was that the mangoes were not yet all. We tried to add some sugar to help sweeten it up, but I think the biggest problem was that the mango didn't really mix in. It stayed kind of pulpy in the smoothie which made for a very weird texture. Adding the apple juice really improved the flavor, yet the consistency was still a big problem....Never again....haha

"Fruit only angers my need for chocolate." ~Jason Love

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