We just couldn't resist another double-cookie-challenge! This time we picked some really interesting choices--Lace Cookies and Earl Grey Shortbread Cookies. As with all of our desserts, they were an interesting, experimental adventure!
The Lace Cookie batter was basically oatmeal and sugar--it ended up really liquidy, but that's how it's supposed to be!
The lace cookies went into the oven as balls and came out as melted, flat....things! Our first batch was difficult to get off the pan because they were underdone--as you can see, Ellie had to hold the pan vertically while Rachel attempted to carve the cookies off!
The earl grey cookie dough was mixed up in the food processor (a new technique for us!). The dough was then rolled into logs, chilled, and cut into little disks to be baked.
The Earl Grey Shortbread Cookies completed. What could be better than Lace Cookies with vanilla bean ice cream and Earl Grey Shortbread Cookies with earl grey tea--while reading the Mountain Lake newspaper? ;)
The Reviews
Lace Cookies
"Fantastic!" ~ Kelly
Earl Grey Cookies
"Very good. They taste like store-bought shortbread cookies!" ~Tami
Rachel's Recipe Review: We once again chose two very different cookie recipes. We snuck a little bit of the Lace Cookie dough prior to baking and were pleasantly surprised by how good it was! Our first batch didn't turn out though....we didn't leave them in the oven long enough. BUT, after that, we monitored it accordingly, and the rest turned out really well! They're a very thin cookie, and they look kinda gross, but I guess they're supposed to look like that.....and they taste YUMMY! Very caramel-y.... MMMmmm! The Earl Grey Cookies were an interesting treat as well. I didn't actually know they were a shortbread cookie until we were making the dough, so that was a surprise.... shortbread cookies aren't as sweet as regular cookies and they're quite small in comparison, so you eat like five....which makes you feel kinda guilty....haha. I've never had Earl Grey tea before, but after this recipe, I'll be sure to try it again! The tea and ice cream on the side was a nice touch.
Ellie's Recipe Ramblings: The was quite the dessert adventure! The lace cookies were quite the process--with the first pan, you kind of wonder if you have any idea what you are doing! As for their taste: I preferred these fresh the best. The day after, they were a little dry and no longer warm and gooey. Even fresh, I didn't LOVE this cookie; you could dump a bag of brown sugar in your mouth for the same flavor--yes, they are THAT sweet! The earl grey cookies were also just okay. There was nothing wrong with them, they were just....a little blah. BUT both cookies were a fun process and adventure, and that's what really matters, right? ;)
"Cookies are made of butter and love." ~Norwegian Proverb
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