Saturday, August 13, 2011

Chinese Cheesecake

When searching for an interesting next recipe to make, we stumbled upon Chinese Cheesecake--basically a cross between a wonton and an eggroll with a little sugar added! We thought these Chinese Cheesecakes sounded interesting, delicious, and like a good challenge to tackle!

Problem #1: We had a little, well a LOT of trouble getting the plastic topper off of the Ricotta cheese!

Problem #2: In his video, Guy Fieri made it look so easy to whip the cream cheese, ricotta, and powdered sugar with a whisk, so when Ellie couldn't find the blades for the hand mixer, she thought she's just give it a try. However, it turned out to be much harder than the professionals make it look!

The blades were finally found and we were ready to go!

The eggroll wrappers were filled with the cream cheese mixture and fresh strawberries then rolled up.

Ready to be fried!

We were both first-time-fryers which ended up to be an experience in and off itself!! Check out our awesome aprons! ;)

The Reviews:
*This week Gabe had friends from college visiting which meant more taste-testers!

"Mhhmmm...Mhhhm! Mhhhm! The cream is really good. It's a dynamic experience for my taste buds!" ~Kristen
"Like a dessert eggroll." ~Ellie's mom
"The eggrolls are a good base for everything to come together. It doesn't taste good alone, but it makes everything else taste better." ~Gabe
"Hmm...It needs more sugar.." ~Danielle who then proceeded to dump some sugar on top. ;)

Rachel's Recipe Review: I was excited to try this recipe, because it was sooo different
than anything we'd ever tried. I've never deep fried anything; Ellie's never deep fried we were definitely branching out in trying this recipe. The recipe itself called for raspberries but the lovely HyVee of Windom didn't have any the day we were, we decided strawberries were the best substitute. Once the frying began, I do recall Ellie and I having a few major spazz attacks. The oil kept splattering out and scaring us! It was definitely a sight. The Chinese Cheesecakes tasted similar to crab rangoons. The powdered sugar sprinkled on top with strawberries added a lot! The different textures and flavors blended well together. All in all, it was a tasty treat!  

Ellie's Recipe Ramblings: Wow! This was quite the experiment! The concept sounded amazing--dessert in eggroll wrappers? what could be better?? I was a little under-impressed with the end result, however. Our reviewers were biting into theirs and saying "mhhhmm!!" so I figured I should give it a try. After the first bite, I exclaimed, "This is....disgusting!" With a little help from Gabe I found that vanilla bean ice cream with it was a must (we served the rolls topped with whipped cream, vanilla bean ice cream, and some extra strawberries) to sweeten them up. "Personally, I believe" (Miss Teen South Carolina, anyone? haha) the cream cheese mixture could have used more powdered sugar. The texture was great though--the chewy eggroll wrapper--yumm!!! I don't think I would make this again, but it sure was a good experiment! Rachel and I were both first-time fryers which turned out to be quite the adventure! Little pieces of burning hot oil kept assailing us! It was like a war over the eggrolls! Ha! ;)