This week we took a break from the cookbook and decided to go with a classic recipe: Cinnamon Rolls!
Preparing the dough
The secret trick: the bread machine to make the dough!
Hard work mixing the cinnamon and brown sugar ;)
Ellie thought she'd go running, but then realized rolling out the dough was a workout in and of itself...;)
Rachel tried spreading on the butter with a spatula until Ellie's mom suggested just using hands--Ellie decided to give it a try...with some interesting...GREASY...results!
Slicing the cinnamon log into cinnamon rolls.
Rachel's artistic moments: the cinnamon rolls were ready for the oven, and we prepared the YUMMMY butter-cream frosting!
Ready to frost then EAT!
The Reviews:
"You can't get a roll this good in a tin pan!" ~Ellie's mom
"Excellent!" Rachel's stepdad
"The buttercream frosting was fantastic!" ~Rachel's mom
Rachel's Recipe Review:
I was excited to try a recipe that wasn't from the cookbook we've used for all previous desserts. This was Ellie's mom's favorite cinnamon roll recipe, and from Ellie's constant compliments, it was on my list of things to try. I'd never made, or eaten for that matter, homemade cinnamon rolls, so this was definitely an experience. I had no idea the process involved. In the end, though, it was most definitely worth it. The cinnamon roll itself was extremely moist, which is hard hard to come by (we had an interesting experience on a recent trip to Manitou Springs, CO......). I'd never had homemade buttercream frosting before either, which was a real treat. It was thick, and rich, and YUMMMY. Together, made a delicious combo. All in all, our homemade cinnamon rolls were a tasty treat. :)
Ellie's Recipe Ramblings: For me, this was a time-tested recipe, as my mom frequently makes it. However, I had never gone through the whole baking process myself, so I was excited for this dessert challenge! Homemade cinnamon rolls have always been one of my favorite recipes, but there has been a surprising lack of ability in our world to make good cinnamon rolls! ;) Wherever I go that I find cinnamon rolls, I am excited to eat them, but soon find out that they are no good. So these were sure a treat! :)
"Work is the meat of life, pleasure the dessert." ~B.C. Forbes
Rachel's Recipe Review:
I was excited to try a recipe that wasn't from the cookbook we've used for all previous desserts. This was Ellie's mom's favorite cinnamon roll recipe, and from Ellie's constant compliments, it was on my list of things to try. I'd never made, or eaten for that matter, homemade cinnamon rolls, so this was definitely an experience. I had no idea the process involved. In the end, though, it was most definitely worth it. The cinnamon roll itself was extremely moist, which is hard hard to come by (we had an interesting experience on a recent trip to Manitou Springs, CO......). I'd never had homemade buttercream frosting before either, which was a real treat. It was thick, and rich, and YUMMMY. Together, made a delicious combo. All in all, our homemade cinnamon rolls were a tasty treat. :)
Ellie's Recipe Ramblings: For me, this was a time-tested recipe, as my mom frequently makes it. However, I had never gone through the whole baking process myself, so I was excited for this dessert challenge! Homemade cinnamon rolls have always been one of my favorite recipes, but there has been a surprising lack of ability in our world to make good cinnamon rolls! ;) Wherever I go that I find cinnamon rolls, I am excited to eat them, but soon find out that they are no good. So these were sure a treat! :)
"Work is the meat of life, pleasure the dessert." ~B.C. Forbes